Twisted Magics (Terra Chronicles Book 1) Page 18
Lockonis jumped in and begged, “Ketayl, please.”
I looked up at the screen and the fear Savanas spoke of kicked back in. “I can’t. He knows.” I was pulling hard against the thread. I almost did not have enough air to speak.
There was no way it could have been my library.
Taking a deep breath, Lockonis stared at me as best as she could through the feed. “How?”
“Nothing behind. Only me.” I did not know how I was breaking past the stranglehold with Lockonis.
Perhaps because I could say less and speak on a different level with her. Her ability to piece together a full picture with seemingly random parts was something I strove to understand and learn.
“Dammit.” Lockonis cursed and paced back and forth behind Vince’s chair.
Savanas stepped in during the pause. “It happened while she was separated from the rest of us except for Artemis. It was my fault I hadn’t told her to stay with Silver. For whatever reason, he stops people’s ability to scry. If Brown was targeting Ketayl, I wanted her out of his sight. I have a couple of my people on their way to the place it happened.”
“Ketayl, I need details.” Vince sat forward in his chair looking far more deadly than I had ever seen him. “What did he say to you?”
“Please, don’t…” I could feel the thread getting tighter around me. “I can’t…” I could not breathe again and it was making me start to panic. Panic was bad. I knew what happened and I did not want to hurt anyone here. I should run until I calmed down.
“That’s an order,” Vince said.
Silver rubbed my arm. He still knelt next to me. I then realized my hand stopped hurting. I tried to tug my arm out of his grasp, but he held firm.
He whispered, “Please.”
The thread snapped and I forced myself not to physically react to the sudden release. It was as if an elastic broke. I stared at the pin for a moment to see the broken thread. It was searching, but I was too far away.
Taking a deep breath, I started more calmly, “He said I owed the Arcane College a debt.”
“What?” It was Lockonis. She had stopped her pacing.
“That I owed them everything. He ordered me to leave the TIO. I think…” I lost my voice.
“Oh, he’s mine.” I saw a flash of fire appear in Lockonis’ hand quickly. She had a habit of doing that when she was mad, and for once, I did not feel the need to look for a hiding place.
I heard Savanas mutter an “Oh no.” under her breath.
“Continue,” Vince said patiently.
“The puppet. I don’t think he knew I was an Arcanist. I didn’t fully understand it then and I hadn’t much exposure, but I was able to channel the emotional energy into my cast, which burned off most of the effects. I’m not sure if he knew I had been exposed again to a higher concentration. He wanted to unbalance.”
Lockonis took a moment before rewording my conclusion, “Brown wanted to use you to cause another incident. Two birds with one stone. Gets rid of you and create more chaos for the cause.”
“With Artemis there with you, she was able to hold off the effects, but then she stayed downstairs with Melody thinking you were safe,” Retanei said and knelt down to pet her companion.
Vince took back over the conversation. “I have a few calls to make. Lockonis and I will set out for Ocean’s Edge as soon as we can.”
The call was over and I had four sets of eyes on me. It was going to be a very long day.
Chapter 17
Retanei pulled me into the conference room, away from Savanas and the others.
Savanas’ temper was barely kept in check after finding out I did not immediately report my reaction last night. But she was too distracted for the moment trying to break up the argument that had broken out between Rathal and Silver. I was sure once she was finished, she would be coming to deal with me.
Retanei ordered Artemis to stay with the others, hoping her calming presence would help.
Chaos, is what Archmage Brown wanted, and it was stalling us. There was nothing any of us could do until it was resolved. Silver eluded to the idea that everyone affected was going to be different in how they burned off the effects. I had focused whatever was causing me to be unbalanced from the arcane remnants the first time into casting. I started contemplating Retanei’s early desire to go hunting immediately. Was that how she burned off the effects?
“Sit down, take a breather,” Retanei said and moved to get some water out of the nearby cooler. Placing the cup down in front of me, she admitted, “I still don’t understand a thing about what just happened. However, if Brown wasn’t my next target before, he certainly is now.”
I smiled at her candidness. I said, “I could try to explain, but my understanding of it is still more instinctual than intellectual. I… didn’t wanted to get the Director involved.” I felt like I failed and now he was coming to clean up my mess.
Retanei moved to the window. She said, “Don’t blame yourself - it was going to happen regardless. You were just the final catalyst. Vince was thinking about coming out here himself when the Arcane College first got involved. Keeping Lockonis from frying this guy alive when we find him is going to be hard. I’m pretty sure that Savanas will be requesting vacation time shortly after we wrap up this case.”
That was right, Lockonis had been Savanas’ partner before. Lockonis could drive anyone crazy. I thought she did it to hide her true self. In the call earlier, it was the most raw I had seen her. Well, besides the phone call yesterday, but seeing her face was a different thing.
“Ketayl, I’m sorry,” Retanei said quietly. I looked at her, not understanding. She was still staring out the window. “I wanted to ease your burden with this case, and the only thing I did was to put you in harm’s way. Early on I decided to let you focus on what you do best, which is why a lot was kept from you. Then this mess with…”
“There’s enough blame to go around - I agreed with the plan,” Savanas cut her off as she strode in. “Artemis is currently staring the hotheads down. I guess Elven men under the age of adulthood really are immature. Before, I thought it was just Rathal.” She took a deep breath, obviously exasperated. “What we need now is a solid plan for all of us. Brad and Darius should be back soon.”
Retanei folded her arms across her chest as she leaned back against the strip of wall between the windows. She commented, “You know they’re going to have to fight it out. They’ve been circling and hissing at each other since they were put in the same room together.”
Savanas rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, “I know.” She looked at Retanei, weary plain on her face. Her voice cracked when she asked, “Why is this happening? How do I deal with someone who can break my team with no effort?”
What else was happening that I did not know about? I had seen little of Brad and Darius, but nothing seemed amiss with them. Rathal, despite his behavior, was still competent in his duties.
Savanas looked lost. It was something I never thought possible.
“Your team is still in one piece and you know it. Maybe a bit worse for wear, but still solid,” Retanei corrected.
Taking a deep breath, Savanas pulled herself back up. She said, “You’re right. One of these days you’re going to tell me how you do that. Especially when even you were affected by that stuff.”
Retanei smirked and said teasingly, “Well, first of all, I turned down the offer to head a branch. Second, hunting helped me regain my focus and perspective.”
I found her admittance to that particular fact interesting. She rarely spoke of herself and less if something was bothering her.
Savanas just shook her head and laughed. I was lost, but kept quiet. Obviously they knew each other better than I thought.
“Sorry you had to see that, Ket. You ready to deal with your boys again?” Savanas asked me.
I raised an eyebrow at Savanas, not sure why she chose that phrase to describe them. I downed the last of my water and got up. Might as well get this
over with. At least she spared me the interrogation.
Walking past Savanas, I heard her ask Retanei quietly, “Is she really that oblivious?”
There was no verbal response. While I knew they were talking about me, I supposed I was oblivious in the fact that I had no idea what she meant. I took a step to the side once I passed through the doors, not sure how to handle the scene in front of me.
Silver and Rathal sat across from each other with Artemis growling at them.
“I leave you guys alone for not even five minutes…” Savanas complained.
“Well, if this moron hadn’t…” Rathal angrily said. He was half out of his seat, an accusatory finger pointed at Silver.
“I already heard your grievances against him. And don’t you dare start either or I’ll take you both downstairs and knock your heads together. Speaking of… Ket, how’s your firearms handling?” Savanas turned back to me.
I had been contemplating returning to the conference room.
It took me a moment to find an answer, “I’m not overly fond of them.” The noise and the recoil kept me from wanting to practice much.
Savanas did not seem to like the answer. She said, “We’ll wait until Darius gets back then.” Looking at the two male Elves, she ordered, “Take yourselves downstairs to the gym and work it out. Retanei, keep an eye on them so they don’t kill each other. Chaos is what this guy wants and I don’t want to give it to him.”
As soon as Brad and Darius returned and gave her their report, Savanas sent us downstairs. It was something short of amazing how many questions Darius managed to ask me on the way down. I had few solid answers.
“Well, you’re not as used to them as we are so… something with a full metal frame?” Darius looked at Brad who accompanied us.
Brad shrugged and said, “You’re our firearms expert. We should have her shoot a few and see what fits, but I wouldn’t count out some of the polymers. She might just need her grip adjusted.”
Darius would pick up a gun and then either put it back down in the safe or on a tray he was carrying. He said, “Oh, yeah, we got that little one in recently to try for backup carry. It’s a little snappy, but the recoil is manageable even for new shooters. Then there’s the modular one. That would make it easy to fit to her hands.”
They kept going back and forth debating the pistols. I really did not want to carry one, but I was not going to argue against Savanas’ decision. I understood her choice - my own personal firepower was questionable right now and I was no Warmage. Even under normal circumstances I would not be able to go up against an Archmage.
The room we were in separated the indoor range from their physical training facility. It looked like Rathal and Silver were trying to kill each other. Insults flew as well as fists, but was muffled to the point I could not make out what was being said.
Retanei was watching patiently with Artemis curled at her feet. The fighters wore the standard exercise clothes the TIO provided. As long as their injuries were not severe, they could be healed quickly.
Speaking of… I looked down at the hand I injured earlier. I did not realize at the time Silver was using his power. If I had been paying more attention, I would have made him stop - healing me then was too dangerous. That and I did not need him to waste his energy on me.
With some relief, Savanas had taken my pin. It felt awkward as I was used to it always being with me, even if lately only stuffed in a pocket. I was afraid of what secrets were still hidden in it.
“How goes the search?” Savanas asked. She came in carrying a file folder. I was not sure why she was also holding my coat.
Darius was deep in another safe when he answered, “I’ve got a small selection together to start. Just getting ammo and we’ll have to figure out how she’s comfortable carrying.”
Savanas picked up one of the pistols on the tray and commented, “You cannot be serious with this one. I might like something that packs a bigger punch, but Ketayl’s training time is limited.”
Brad was the one who spoke, “That one is my fault. The recoil isn’t bad, but you’re right, this big of a caliber might scare her.”
Darius finally backed out of the cabinet, his arms loaded down with different boxes of ammo and extra magazines. He said, “Told you. Oh, is that for me?” He eyed the file Savanas carried.
Brad took the items from Darius. Once his arms were free, Darius read the file. He commented, “Not so limited. I thought you were going to tell me she only had basic pistol. Looks like she’s gone through concealed and a couple of the more advanced courses. Limited range time though. No rifle, but it’s not an issue.”
I did not want to admit the only reason I took an interest was the idea of combining the use of the arcane with a firearm, which I managed mild success with.
That and my sister liked to drag me down to the range every so often.
“I brought Ketayl’s coat. It may pose a problem with drawing compared to the standard TIO coats.” Savanas turned to me saying, “Since you gave yours to Silver.”
I explained, “He didn’t have a coat.”
Savanas said, “I know, and we don’t have spares. It’s not like we go through them quickly.”
“Rathal always seems to ruin jackets though,” Brad commented. “We’ve got a surplus of those, but it’s too cold for something that lightweight.”
Darius was pacing, reading my record. “Just because he seems to find fights as the temperature heats up…”
Tossing my coat to me, Savanas crossed her arms and leaned back against the counter. Her attention turned to the physical training area. “Rathal’s a hothead. And it looks like he’s met his match with Silver,” she said, “Rathal might be a good scrapper, but he’s going to have a hard time outlasting Silver’s stamina.”
“The guy trains in his armor,” Brad said while he loaded the magazines, “Silver has to have a leg up in strength on him also. Rathal just moves damn fast.”
It was cold down here and having my coat was a good thing. I slid it on, leaving it unzipped.
“Come on, Ket, let’s get you started. We can leave these two to analyzing the fight,” Darius said and signaled me with his head. His hands were full with the tray.
I quickly opened the door for him, not wanting to be rude, but also not looking forward to this quick training session.
Rathal and Silver were still fighting when Darius was satisfied with my choice and handling. I admitted, Darius was an excellent instructor and I felt more comfortable, but not so much to want to carry.
I watched the two silently through the window, rubbing my hands and wrists. The recoil on a couple of the pistols really hurt. I lost count of the number of rounds I shot.
The two fighters were randomly swinging punches at each other when they got close. Both covered in sweat and exhausted. Shirts tossed carelessly aside.
Rathal’s hair was mostly out of the little ponytail he kept it in. The glint of metal around Silver’s neck caught my attention. A small golden sun swung on its thick chain.
“So who is winning?” Darius asked.
“Neither,” Savanas said and kept watching through the window. “They’re too evenly matched. As much as I’m curious how they would be with their weapons of choice, I do not want to clean up after that.”
Rathal made a run for Silver who got under him. He picked up Rathal and threw him down to the mat. Silver then collapsed onto his rear and did not move to get up. Rathal stayed where he landed. They were both alive, but too exhausted to continue.
“I think that counts as Silver winning,” Brad said and smirked at Savanas, “I told you I trained with this guy. Rathal’s speed isn’t enough.”
“No way. It’s a tie,” Savanas tossed back before grumbling and digging into her pocket for her wallet. She handed Brad a bill. “Damn, I really thought Rathal was going to have enough to wear him out. I should up his physical training requirement for losing.”
I followed
Darius so he could figure out a holster for me. The show was over and I wondered why Savanas and Brad still hung by the windows.
Looking into the physical training area, I never wanted to see either of them hurt. Whatever was going on between them was not resolving itself otherwise. Silver was now sprawled out on the mat, breathing heavily and Rathal had not moved. They were talking, but I still could not hear through the thick glass and soundproofing on the walls.
Retanei did not seem worried about them and just watched. There were a couple of bottles of water next to her I did not remember seeing before.
Savanas took an interest in what Darius and I were doing. “Good. I can’t arm our consultant, but at least I can make sure you’re covered. Surprised me when I saw your file. Most mages try to opt out of firearms training or take as little as possible. Not that we have many mages on staff. Lockonis outright refuses, but she’s in a class all on her own.”
I shrugged, still not wanting to get into detail about my motivations. It would only cause more problems right now.
Savanas said, “In any case, I got a call from Fletch. They’ve been delayed due to a stalled storm system over the Chained Lakes region. They’ll wait it out until the end of the day, but I have a feeling they will take the long way around. Especially if the storm starts to move our way. We get enough crap coming down from the north. Ah, they live.” Her attention was once again back to the physical training area.
Silver and Rathal struggled to get up, but Silver managed to stand first. He offered a hand to Rathal. Rathal took it, got up, and patted Silver on the shoulder, smiling.
“All’s well that ends well,” Brad commented.
Retanei finally moved and handed them each a bottle of water, pointing toward the side where it looked like there were changing rooms. Both were laughing and talking, acting like the best of friends. It confused me - they had not liked each other from the moment they met.